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Singing Modules


Roadmap: Learn to Sing

This Roadmap shows you how you can use Musical U training modules and exercises to learn to sing confidently in tune with a great-sounding voice.



Start Solfa

Learn the power of using solfa for your musical training and how solfa syllables can help you with intervals, chords and melodies.

After completing this module: you will understand how to start from the tonic to build and recognise intervals, chords and simple melodies with solfa.


Good Voice

Learn the 16 factors which contribute to having a “good” singing voice, identify which might be holding you back, and discover practical techniques you can use to improve them.

After completing this module: you will understand how to develop a good singing voice.



Match Pitch

Learn how to match pitch with your singing voice.

After completing this module: you will be able to easily and reliably sing back a note you have heard.


Vocal Control

Learn the fundamentals of controlling your voice when you sing, including breath support, accurate pitch leaps, and how to evaluate your own singing to keep improving.

After completing this module: you will be able to produce clear accurate notes when you sing.



Play and Sing

Learn how to sing and play an instrument at the same time, for example to accompany your singing with chords on a guitar or piano.

After completing this module: you will be able to accompany yourself on an instrument while you sing.