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Ear Expansion: Pitch

Learn why pitch is the perfect place to start your musical training.

After completing this module: you will understand what pitch is and how developing your pitch skills will help you to be more musical.

Pitch ear training is the perfect way to start training your ear. It powers your sense of relative pitch and absolute (perfect) pitch, and relates directly to audio frequencies.

Pitch is fundamental to:

  • how we interpret people’s emotions when they talk
  • how we appreciate melody and harmony in music
  • how we distinguish one sound from another


  • Appreciate melody and harmony
  • Play and sing in tune
  • Hear subtle expression e.g. pitch bends
  • Tune your instrument

Peek Inside


Module Preview

pitch ear training intro


Watch the introductory video for the pitch module and learn why pitch is the best place to start your ear training, the common pain point it can help you get over, and how to start training your ear for pitch.

pitch ear training about

About Pitch Ear Training

Learn exactly what “pitch” is and how pitch ear training works.

Find out the relationship between pitch ear training and “perfect pitch”, and how pitch relates to being “in tune”.

pitch ear training tips

Pitch Ear Training Tips

A collections of “Do”s and “Don’t”s for pitch ear training, to help you get off to a good start and avoid common mistakes.

pitch ear training listen

Listen to Examples

Listen to specially created musical examples which demonstrate the range of your pitch perception and how pitch relates to the sound of an instrument.

pitch ear training try

Try It!

Test your own ability to judge pitch with these simple exercises.

Each one requires a slightly more refined sense of pitch, and practising the exercises is a good way to start your pitch ear training immediately.


Take the interactive quiz and check you’ve learned the fundamentals of pitch.

Member Success

“It was interesting to hear different instruments playing the same note but sounding so different, also noticed that I can hear the difference between sharp and flat was awesome”
“Very useful information. :)”
“Loved hearing the audio optical illusions!”
“Good info on the video, and good starter exercises.”
“The whole module is so clear with each steps, rewire the whole cluttered mind! Can’t wait to apply in my practice life.”

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