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Melody Training Modules


Roadmap: Play Melodies By Ear (Intervals)

This Roadmap shows you how you can use Musical U training modules and exercises to learn to play melodies by ear, using intervals.


Roadmap: Play Melodies By Ear (Solfa)

This Roadmap shows you how you can use Musical U training modules and exercises to learn to play melodies by ear, using solfa.


Ear Expansion: Scales

Ear Expansion: Scales

Learn all about the importance of scales for making sense of melodies and harmonies in music.

After completing this module: you will understand how recognising scales and their degrees by ear can help you play by ear, improvise, and create your own music.


Score to Sound with Solfa

Learn how you can use the solfa framework to look at traditional music notation and know in your head how it should sound (including for sight-singing).

After completing this module: you will understand how solfa can reveal how notes on a page should sound.

Harmonic Tension and Release

Harmonic Tension and Release

Learn to hear the inner harmonic structure of scales and use tension and release to add meaning to your melodies.

After completing this module: you will be able to improvise melodies that flow logically and meaningfully with chord progressions.

Phrasing and Structure

Learn how to use phrasing and structure to shape your improvised or composed melodies.

After completing this module: you will be able to improvise melodies that flow logically and meaningfully.


Scale Recognition

Scale Recognition

Learn about the most commonly-used scales and how you can recognise them by ear.

After completing this module: you will be able to recognise major, minor and pentatonic scales.


Scale Degree Recognition

Practice recognising the different degrees (notes) of the major pentatonic scale.

After completing this module: you will be able to reliably recognise the “do”, “re”, “mi”, “so” and “la” notes of the scale.

Melody Practice: Major Pentatonic

Melody Practice: Major Pentatonic

Practise identifying the notes of major pentatonic melodies by ear.

After completing this module: you will be able to reliably identify the notes of melodies based on the major pentatonic scale.