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Interval Training Modules


Roadmap: Play Melodies By Ear (Intervals)

This Roadmap shows you how you can use Musical U training modules and exercises to learn to play melodies by ear, using intervals.



Ear Expansion: Intervals

Learn all about intervals, and why they are important throughout music.

After completing this module: you will understand what intervals are and how recognising them will help you to be more musical.

Learning Intervals

Learning Intervals

Learn the best ways to develop your interval recognition skills with the Learning Intervals module.

After completing this module: you will understand the three approaches to learning intervals and the advantages of each.



Interval Recognition 1

Practise recognising different types of interval by ear (part one).

After completing this module: you will be able to reliably recognise half the intervals of the octave: unison, major and minor seconds and thirds, and perfect fourths and fifths.


Interval Recognition 2

Practise recognising different types of interval by ear (part two).

After completing this module: you will be able to reliably recognise all the intervals of the octave, adding tri-tones, major and minor sixths and sevenths and perfect octaves.


Introducing Intervals

Introducing Intervals

Apply your interval recognition skills to hear intervals in real music with the Introducing Intervals training album.

After completing this module: you will be able to hear and identify intervals in real music.