Improvisation Practice
This module supplies many practice tracks for you to exercise various aspects of improvisation.
After completing this module: you will be able to improvise melodies in several different styles over drones, three-chord, and four-chord progressions.
Chock full of backing tracks, the Improvisation Practice module extends the exercises found in the Improvising Topic modules and in the other modules from the Learn to Improvise Roadmap.
Module Preview
- Introduction
- Drone Tracks
- Latin, Blues, and “Halo” Tracks
- Three Chord Tracks (C major)
- Three Chord Tracks (A major)
- Four Chord Tracks (C major)
- Four Chord Tracks (A major)
- Next Steps in Improvisation
The tracks on this page refer to specific exercises in the modules, but can be used in many ways for your improvisation.
Latin Improv
In Improvising Melody, there is a strong focus on rhythm. These Latin tracks are great for honing your rhythmic skills through one-note improv exercises, but may also be used for developing phrasing and other improv skills:
Latin Improv Track in A (loop) (download available with Musical U membership)
Latin Improv Track in E (loop) (download available with Musical U membership)
The Blues
The blues chord progressions help to explore degrees of tension and release in the minor pentatonic scales when doing one-note improvisations, and can be expanded to the whole minor pentatonic scale and beyond to the full blues scale.
Alternately, it can be used for chord tones and target tones practice.
Here’s the E minor pentatonic (blues) scale – E, G, A, B, D, E (the same notes as the G major pentatonic):
Organ 12-bar Blues in E (loop) (download available with Musical U membership)
And the D minor pentatonic blues scale – D, F, G, A, C, D (the same notes as the F major pentatonic):
Blues Bass in D (download available with Musical U membership)