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Improvising Modules


Roadmap: Learn to Improvise

This Roadmap shows you how you can use Musical U training modules and exercises to learn to create your own music through improvisation.


Approaching Improvisation

Approaching Improvisation

Learn about the two fundamental approaches to improvisation and how they work together.

After completing this module: you will understand how to use the “Listen-Play” and “Play-Listen” approaches in your own improvisation.

badge improvising with chord tones

Improvising with Chord Tones

Learn how you can use chord tones to guide and shape your improvised melodies.

After completing this module: you will be able to improvise melodies that fit well with simple chord progressions.



Improvising Melody

Practice improvising melody – first the dimension of rhythm, then expanding into the dimension of pitch.

After completing this module: you will be able to improvise meaningful melodies on your instrument with an increasingly “Listen – Play” approach.


Improvisation Practice

This module supplies many practice tracks for you to exercise various aspects of improvisation.

After completing this module: you will be able to improvise melodies in several different styles over drones, three-chord and four-chord progressions.