It depends what you want to improve on in music!

Depending on your instrument and interests, there are various areas which can be worth developing your ear for.

For example:

  • If you’re a guitar player, it’s likely that chords ear training will be a useful next area of focus for you. Your interval recognition skills will extend quite naturally to chord identification, and it’s easy to connect your new aural skills to useful tasks in playing rhythm guitar.
  • If you’re keen on recording your own music, you might find some time spent on audio effects and audio frequency ear training would be very useful, to develop that side of your ear. It’s a set of skills which are quite different (and complementary) to the traditional musical listening skills.
  • If you are composing, writing songs, or arranging music, then relative pitch skills (i.e. intervals ear training and chords ear training are important – but there are also other areas like timbre and transcription which can improve your abilities.

Depending on your prior experience with ear training, it may be worth spending some time doing “a bit of everything” before diving deep with any new topic. This will allow you to identify your own strengths, weaknesses, and interests. You can then move on to focused ear training in particular areas.

Similar questions answered on this page:

  • Once I’ve mastered interval training, what should I learn next?
  • How can I improve my sense of the “feel” of music?
  • What kind of ear training comes after intervals?
  • What type of ear training do you do after interval ear training?