Welcome back to this special pair of episodes celebrating hitting the 100 mark of the Musicality Podcast! If you haven’t already heard Episode 100 then make sure you go back and listen to it too because both that one and this one are jam-packed with incredible insights from over two-dozen expert guests, answering the question:

“What’s one thing you’ve learned that could help musicians to tap into their inner musicality?”

In the last episode we heard from 11 experts whose answers to this question were varied and fascinating. There were some common themes, some of which you’ll hear coming up again in this episode, but each guest also brought their own unique perspective and insight to the question. We’ll talk a little more at the end of this episode about those recurring themes and how we can learn more from them.

We said last time that we’d tried to group the experts to make for two great episodes to listen to, but apart from that there’s no meaning to the order – so the line-up for this episode is just as impressive as the first one.

In this episode you’ll be hearing:

  • Bill Hilton, author of “How to Really Play the Piano” talking about the level of instrument technique required to sound truly musical.
  • Book author, podcaster, song-writer and musician David Andrew Wiebe of MusicEntrepreneurHQ.com revealing three things that can help you sound more like a pro.
  • Innovator in school music education Casey von Neumann of Eclectic Music and CaseyMcCann.com sharing the tip that let her sound just as musical as her incredibly accomplished teacher.
  • Leading teacher-of-teachers Sara Campbell of SarasMusicStudio, and our Resident Pro for piano here at Musical U, explaining why young children are often more in touch with their inner musicality and what we can learn from that.
  • Practice expert Chris Owenby from PracticeHabits.co talking about what it takes to become an accomplished musician like the greats we admire.
  • Rising star singer-songwriter Kendra McKinley pointing out the thing you’re probably forgetting to listen to which could make you sound more musical.
  • Actress, singer, writer and cabaret expert Fiona-Jane Weston discussing the relationship between technique and artistry, and how to unlock the potential in a piece of music.
  • Composer and guitar educator David Wallimann on escaping the constraints your instrument might be placing on you.
  • Author of the must-have handbook for aspiring musicians, “The Musician’s Way”, Gerald Klickstein, on one activity that will transform your musicality and why it’s more vital for music than other artforms.
  • Music technology expert Katie Wardrobe on one non-tech thing she does to develop her musical understanding.
  • World-leading vocal expert and sight-reading pro Jeremy Fisher on how to overcome tricky spots and learn music faster.
  • Creative music teaching expert Leila Viss on the mindset shift required to uncover your own creative voice.
  • Music theory innovator Scott Sharp on the special way of thinking about keys and chords that can let you understand what’s going on in the music you hear and play.
  • And Vincent James, the man behind some of the most inspiring events and books in the world of music tops off our episode with some counter-intuitive advice for connecting musically with your audience.

Are you excited? We’ve already heard all these and we’re excited all over again just talking through them!

Before we dive in, if you’re somebody who relishes this kind of musicality insight and knowledge then you are not going to want to miss the special edition we’ve put together to celebrate this 100th episode. It’s called the Musicality Podcast Power Pack, and we’ve taken the first 100 episodes of the podcast plus some clever extra resources to help you get maximum value from each and every episode, AND some super cool bonuses contributed by our expert guests. And we’ve packed it all onto a USB thumb drive you can put in any computer or laptop and instantly get access to everything.

No waiting for downloading, no worrying that the episodes might not be available any more in future – you’ve got everything you could want and more, all in the palm of your hand. We would really love for every single listener to the show to have a copy of this – so we’ve made it really affordable and we’re including free worldwide shipping to help get this out to as many people as possible. So if you enjoy the show and want the Power Pack yourself, or if you have a friend or family member who you’d love to hand it to as an amazing musical gift, please head to musicalitynow.com/celebrate – that’s musicalitynow.com/celebrate – for all the details. This is a very time-limited offer to celebrate this 100th episode, so don’t miss your chance to grab a copy of the Musicality Podcast Power Pack – head to musicalitynow.com/celebrate today!

Okay, with that said, let’s dive in.

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We asked fourteen experts to share the one thing they've learned that can help musicians to tap into their inner musicality - here are their answers!
