Scale Degree Recognition: Resource Pack Preview
Learning to recognise scale degrees is a powerful skill and this month’s resource packs help you apply this on piano, guitar, bass or when singing.
Learning to recognise scale degrees is a powerful skill and this month’s resource packs help you apply this on piano, guitar, bass or when singing.
Turn a virtual radio dial to Musical U’s new podcasts, turn the beat around with syncopation, turn an old song into a new song, and turn on your loop pedal.
To help you develop your musicality and feel like a “natural” in music we are launching an all-new Musical U podcast. Learn more here.
Breakdown to breakthrough: Musical U shows you how to extract the music from your head, loop a new cover, explore classical outer limits, and get feedback.
This month in Musical U: a snazzy new Dashboard to help you find your most important things on site, and new instrument resource packs on audiation.
This week Musical U explores collaboration – between your own brain, voice, and instrument; learning music Kodály-style; songwriting; or making covers.
Combine audiation – the music in your head – and singing with your instrument and you’ll be amazed at the results. Learn how from Musical U’s Resident Pros.
Adam Liette’s love for music has led him through careers as a heavy metal guitarist, Army trumpet soloist, and playing country for troops in Afghanistan.
Our musical lives – from desire, learning and practicing to creating – have a rhythm of their own. Learn Kodály, practice pentatonic, and compose big music.
The major pentatonic is a powerful and versatile skill which is easier to learn and use than the regular major scale. Master it with these tutorials.
Celebrate the nitty-gritty skills that build our free musical expression! Apply musicality to your instrument, sight-read, collaborate, and learn solfege.
This month saw the unveiling of our Instrument Packs for guitar, bass, piano and singing, Resource Packs on Beginning Improvisation and new masterclasses.