Musicality means… Writing Music
Writing music seems like something only talented musicians can do, but anyone who plays music can learn to compose or write songs. Get started today!
Writing music seems like something only talented musicians can do, but anyone who plays music can learn to compose or write songs. Get started today!
Do you find music theory is detached from instrument practice? Join our journey to link up the theory and practice of playing chords on your instrument.
Learning to spell intervals is essential. Shortcut the slow process of memorising with this handy cheat sheet packed with tips and tricks.
Learning to spell intervals will help you play by ear and improvise easily. Get some top tips on how to learn this skill quickly with these 7 shortcuts.
Scales are an important part of music practice but not very interesting. Get some tips on how to make practicing them fun with lots of musical variety!
Improvisation is a fun musical activity but it can be challenging to learn. Here are twelve effective ways you can learn to improvise music yourself.
Starting with basic music theory, followed by exercises and a game, learn which notes make up each interval and notice the improvement when you play music.
6/8 is a popular time signature in pop and rock songs. Find out more about how to count and hear 6/8 with multiple examples of popular songs that use it.
As technology continues to advance, learning to play an instrument is more accessible than ever. But should budding musicians skip learning to read music? What benefit is there to having knowledge of notation when you’re not practicing with hopes of going pro?
A lot, it turns out.
Struggling with improvising music? Don’t miss these 12 tips for musicians of all levels of improvisation, and start your journey to musical freedom today.
Find out more about “Kaizen Guitar” a free email course that will teach you guitar basics in daily short lessons delivered by email over a 30 day period.
Part of the songwriters secrets series, this tutorial explains how to write a catchy melody with examples and exercises to help you through the process.