About Finding Your Note
Finding “Your Note” is a simple exercise that will help lay the foundation for singing in tune, learning relative pitch, and even sight-singing. Try it out!
Finding “Your Note” is a simple exercise that will help lay the foundation for singing in tune, learning relative pitch, and even sight-singing. Try it out!
Vocal coach Molly Webb debunks some common myths of the vocal world, giving the truth about singing from the diaphragm, why vocal damage occurs, and more.
If you’ve ever worried about being out of tune or off-key when you sing, don’t miss this interview with a man who’s found a solution.
With tweaks in instrumentals and arrangements, Mexican indie band Canvas breathes new life into Latin pop star Juan Gabriel’s iconic “Yo No Nací Para Amar”.
Learn how one independent musician found success by embracing a world of influences and encompassing many musical identities.
Guitar students often quit before they’ve finished their first year. And guitar teachers can’t make a living. The G4 Guitar Method solves both these issues.
A properly tuned guitar can mean the difference between a perfectly-executed solo and a mess of notes. Learn how to tune with just your hands and your ears!
Looking for a ukulele crash course? With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to pick up your uke and start playing chords in minutes!
Dive into the world of absurd, unbearably corny, and just-plain-bad lyrics, and learn how songs become smash hits in spite of (or because of) them!
“The Voice” alumnus Caroline Perrell takes Coldplay’s alternative rock hit “Yellow” and re-imagines it as a beautiful, relaxed folk song.
Learn to play off, between, and around the beat! Our all-in-one syncopation guide will have you creating masterpieces with intricate rhythms in no time.
Cover master Pieter Schrevens uses looping to turn himself into a one-man band, creating a rich, dreamlike cover of Tame Impala’s “Let It Happen”.