The "Big 5" Skills of Modern Musicianship, with Dr. Chad West (Interview)
Find out music educator Dr. Chad West’s thoughts on how musicianship is taught today, and how we can improve this process for children and adults alike.
Find out music educator Dr. Chad West’s thoughts on how musicianship is taught today, and how we can improve this process for children and adults alike.
Get a free set of intermediate-level practice exercises to take your solfa sight-singing skills to the next level so you can easily sing from written music.
Playing by ear is a desirable skill for all musicians, and is something that can be learned. Find out how you can develop your musicality and play by ear.
When you look at music notation can you immediately hear the notes in your head? This is essential for sight-singing and these solfa exercises make it easy.
Do you want to make your practice time more efficient? Or become a more versatile instrumentalist? Audiation can help you develop your musical abilities.
You can Improve your sense of rhythm by internalizing the beat in your mind using audiation. Learn more and practice this skill with some simple exercises.
Improvisation is a fun musical activity but it can be challenging to learn. Here are twelve effective ways you can learn to improvise music yourself.
Work through these exercises to be able to transcribe short melodies using the notes of the pentatonic scale and solfa syllables you have internalised.
After mastering the blues learn how to improvise jazz on the saxophone! Using simple scales and chord progressions experiment with rhythm and tempo.
10 practical tips to help you plan music goals, practice time and progress tracking. With links to helpful apps, podcasts, and online music communities.
Take your rhythm counting to the next level and learn how to count syncopated rhythms using the Kodály method. With example audio clips and score notation.
There’s a musical skill which can bring you unlimited extra practice time and powerfully improve your sense of pitch: audiation. Learn how to do it here.