Inversions of Major and Minor Triads
We’ve previously covered how to recognize the different qualities of triad – major, minor, augmented and diminished. We can also learn to hear their inversions.
How to Make Interval Ear Training Exercises with Garageband
You can use Garageband to create your own interval ear training exercises. Garageband ear training is an easy way to use technology to help you learn.
Frequency Band Characteristics (Part 2)
Get audio ear training hints and tips for recognising the characteristic sounds of frequency bands 6-10 (640Hz-20kHz) and download MP3s to practice with.
Audacious Ear Training
Enjoy singing your favorite tune at the top of your lungs in the privacy of your own car? Having such wonderful self-confidence in a less-than-stellar vocal performance can be exhilarating, but developing accurate pitch is an essential part of ear training. You can...Working With Seventh Chords
Once you’re comfortable with intervals and triads, we can start to work on seventh chords (popular in jazz, blues and pop music) with seventh chord ear training
Perfect Pitch Is Not Magic
Perfect pitch is an impressive musical ability which comes naturally to some musicians – so many people think it is a magic “gift”. Learn the truth here.
21st Century Ear Training
My last post featured a forum thread about training absolute pitch by meditating on single tones. Thinking some more about learning absolute pitch and this particular ‘experiment’, I realised there were three reasons it appealed to me: The do-it-yourself...Frequency Band Characteristics (Part 1)
Get audio ear training hints and tips for recognising the characteristic sounds of frequency bands 1-5 (20Hz-640Hz) and download practice MP3s for these bands.
Absolute Pitch Meditation
Over at, a neuroscience student is inviting people to try an informal experiment with him, to test a method of developing absolute pitch. It’s an interesting approach. He’s using a recording of a pure tone of middle C (261.6Hz for you...Learning to Recognize Triads – Part 2
Triad chords are the basis of all chords. Once you master major and minor triad chords, you should learn how to recognise augmented and diminished triads.
Percussion Frequencies Part 2 – Cymbals
Learn to recognise audio frequencies by ear using these hi-hat, ride and crash cymbal sounds as your training material. Great for EQ and production ear training.