Want to play by ear? Well, do then!
In last week’s post I asked “Can you play by ear?” and explored what we actually mean by “playing by ear” and why you might care about this skill, sometimes assumed to be an all-or-nothing (almost magical) ability. Despite the common...What is "playing by ear"?
Can you play by ear? That’s a common question in musician’s circles, a phrase that’s often used. “He’s a great musician, he can play by ear” “I’ve been learning my pieces… but I wish I could play by ear instead!...Ear Training Site Profile: IWasDoingAllRight.com
IWasDoingAllRight.com offers online ear training apps. Unlike some of the other ear training app sites featured in this series though, the site has far more to offer than just these programs. We’ll do another article in future dedicated to the site’s jazz...Ear Training Site Profile: Big Ears
Continuing in our series of ear training site profiles… The Big Ears online ear trainer is not complicated. It’s not one of those programs with a million settings, or an overwhelming list of scales and modes. It’s simply an interval trainer. But if you want to...Ear Training Site Profile: DLP Music Program
Continuing in our series of ear training site profiles… We’ve covered the Dallas School of Music’s innovative “Discover, Learn and Play” online training program here on the site before, including a recent guest post by Eugene Cantara from...Learn Perfect Fourths and Fifths: Free Ear Training Download
Perfect fourths and fifths are highly important intervals but hard to recognise. Learn perfect fourths and perfect fifths: free ear training download.
Ear Training Site Profile: TrainEar.com
Continuing in our series of ear training site profiles… Interval association is a method of ear training in which you find specific examples of each interval in popular songs, thus giving you a little more context for memorizing each one. This can be especially...Ear Training Site Profile: Good-Ear.com
This is the first in a series of posts looking at some of the valuable ear training resources across the web. We’re starting off with one of the “grand-daddies” of online aural skills training: Good-Ear.com. If you’ve never seen this ear training app...Learn to recognise chords: FREE MP3 pack!
This free pack of ear training MP3s will help you learn to recognise different types of chord by ear. Learn more and download it to start training today.
Free interval ear training MP3 download
Interval recognition practice is essential for building your core sense of relative pitch. This free interval ear training MP3 pack will help you practice.
Listen Close: "Pagan Poetry" by Björk
Find out what makes “Pagan Poetry” by Björk such a special track, and how you can use it to improve your musical listening skills through ear training.