Can you learn Perfect Pitch? A new scientific study aims to find out.
Can you learn perfect pitch, or must you be born with it? How effective are the methods? A new scientific study aims to find out. Learn all about it here.
Can you learn perfect pitch, or must you be born with it? How effective are the methods? A new scientific study aims to find out. Learn all about it here.
Learn the equipment and techniques which gave Claire and the Potatoes the distinctive throwback sound of their new album in this interview with Marc Sirdoreus.
Tune It Up is a new course designed to teach you to sing perfectly in tune. Develop your ears and your voice with this highly-recommended music course!
Whatever stage of ear training you’ve reached, we have dozens of resources to help you progress. Discover the range available and which will help you the most.
Songs are in a major or minor key and it’s important for a musician to be able to quickly and easily tell which one it is. Here are some tricks you can use.
If you struggle to sing in tune or are trying to teach people who do, you must see these top tips from leading specialists in teaching people to sing in tune.
Announcing a new tone deafness test online which aims to better address the real needs of people who fear they might be tone deaf. Find out about this new test.
Every musician must sing if they want to reach their full musical potential. Love it or hate it, here’s why singing is simply essential for your musical life.
Tone deaf tests are available freely online but some are much better than others. Here are reviews of several popular ones and our recommendations of the best.