The Rhythm of Dubstep: How it Works
Find out what characterises the Dubstep electronic music genre. Hear six examples of tracks which demonstrate the tempo and rhythm patterns of dubstep.
Find out what characterises the Dubstep electronic music genre. Hear six examples of tracks which demonstrate the tempo and rhythm patterns of dubstep.
Melody and the bassline are similar in some ways and sometimes easy to confuse. Fortunately there are some differences too. Learn 4 ways to tell them apart.
Rhythm is the most essential musical element. Honing our rhythmic perception gives us greater enjoyment and clarity as we create and listen to music.
To write your own scary movie soundtrack or add variation to your compositions using minor key you’ll need to know about minor scales and chords. Master the basics here.
Clapping in time might seem like child’s play, but actually demonstrates your inner sense of rhythm. Learn more about clapping in time and musicality.
Learn to play the most common chords and chord progressions by ear and find out how they are used in a variety of genres – rock, jazz, and classical.
In a virtual world of infinite sonic access, how can you define your own signature sound? Learn your own lessons from bands that celebrate their uniqueness.
Time to practice finding the tonic in minor melodies with these real music examples. Also, get some helpful tips on how to avoid the four common pitfalls.
Tone, timbre and texture are three powerful and universal concepts in music but often misunderstood. Learn the definitions and how to hear them.
Finding the tonic of a melody is the first step to transcribing, solfa and understanding musical form. Minor keys add a few twists and turns to the process.
Tension in music is a natural occurrence. Building emotion and a subsequent resolve helps listeners connect with a song. Learn how to make it work for you.
Explore the different types of synthesis, how to generate them and include them in your musical creations. With demo samples and real tracks as examples.