In this episode we’re speaking with David Wallimann, who has one of the most popular guitar channels on YouTube with over 100,000 subscribers there. As always when we’re interviewing an expert in a particular instrument, we recommend staying tuned even if you don’t play that instrument – because very little of what we cover is really instrument-specific.

As well as his popularity as a guitar educator, David is a composer and recording artist who has collaborated with the likes of Dweezil Zappa. And as you’ll hear in this episode he is just a lovely down-to-earth guy whose perspective on learning music and improvising is refreshing and seriously perceptive. David has his own guitar courses available at as well as a free Music Theory DNA course for guitarists at – something we suspect you’ll want to check out after hearing him describe it in this episode.

In our conversation we talk about:

  • How to break free of fretboard patterns and “improvisation by numbers” with a counterintuitive exercise.
  • The big problem that puts people off music theory and the surprising impact it can have on your musical creativity.
  • The huge benefit you get from putting ego to one side and embracing your own uniqueness in music – both for improvisation, and for your musical life in general.

We loved chatting with David and are really glad to feature his unique perspective as part of Improv Month. As you’ll hear us say in this episode, we do think that guitar players tend to have a very particular relationship with music theory and with improvising – but David’s take on it all is something that would be valuable for any musician to take on board. We certainly hope you’ll enjoy hearing about it.

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Composer, recording artist, and guitar educator David Wallimann shares his unique perspective on improvisation, and how to find your own musical voice.
