- Starting Solfa: Finding Your Tonic (Hold The Gin!) - Finding the tonic note is the first step to transcribing or transposing the music you hear using solfege. Discover how to do it with these simple steps.
The Space Between: Hearing and Singing Intervals - Intervals are an effective way to identify the notes in music, to play by ear or improvise. Learn how solfa can let you recognise intervals by ear easily.
And Three Makes Triad: Hearing Chords With Solfege - Did you know that solfa can be used to recognise different types of chord? Here is how to practice this useful skill, with step by step exercises you can do.
Hear It, Write It, Play It: Solfege Helps You Get It - Can you transcribe music by ear? Use the solfa framework taught in this series and you'll be able to easily write down music just like in this example.
Solfege: Why Do Re Mi Isn’t Just Child’s Play - Solfege is a powerful framework to recognise notes by ear, which lets you improvise and play by ear easily. This training series teaches you how to do it.
Five Notes Will Change Your Life: Pentatonic Scales - Pentatonic scales have found their home in the hearts of jazz, blues, and rock musicians everywhere. Learn to play this easy and incredibly versatile scale!