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Frequency Fundamentals

Frequency Ear Training

  • What’s ‘frequency training’ all about? - Frequency ear training is essential for all audio pros and recording musicians. Learn here what exactly it's all about and how you can get started today.
  • Introduction To Frequency Training - Frequency ear training is essential for all audio professionals and recording musicians. Learn the fundamentals and get started with this introductory series.
  • Percussion Frequencies Part 1 – Drums - Learn to recognise audio frequencies by ear using these kick, snare and tom drum sounds as your training material. Great for EQ and production ear training.
  • Percussion Frequencies Part 2 – Cymbals - Learn to recognise audio frequencies by ear using these hi-hat, ride and crash cymbal sounds as your training material. Great for EQ and production ear training.
  • Frequency Band Characteristics (Part 1) - Get audio ear training hints and tips for recognising the characteristic sounds of frequency bands 1-5 (20Hz-640Hz) and download practice MP3s for these bands.
  • Frequency Band Characteristics (Part 2) - Get audio ear training hints and tips for recognising the characteristic sounds of frequency bands 6-10 (640Hz-20kHz) and download MP3s to practice with.
  • Background: EQ Feathering and Spectrum Analyzers - Spectrum Analyzers are a powerful tool which belongs in any audio pro's toolkit. Learn how to use them with the powerful "EQ feathering" technique here.
  • Harmonics And Distortion - Missed the rest of the series? Click here to start at the beginning. Up to this point in the series we’ve focused on characterising each sound with a single frequency representing its pitch. In today’s article we’ll consider the other frequencies present in musical sounds. Compound frequencies, harmonics, blah blah blah! Right? No; actually in […]
  • New Quiz! Percussion Frequencies - If you’ve been working on the Frequency Fundamentals series here at EasyEarTraining.com, you may be looking for a way to practice the skills it teaches. Fotios has created a special quiz for the first half of the series, covering drums and cymbals. The Frequency Fundamentals course takes you from the most basic concepts, through to […]
  • New Quiz! Frequency Bands and Harmonics - Following on from the previous quiz on Percussion Frequencies, we’re opening up a new quiz today: covering Frequency Bands and Harmonics. Once you’ve got to grips with the starting material in the Frequency Fundamentals course, you should find you’re getting a good sense of where different frequencies lie in your hearing range. The second half […]
  • Frequency Fundamentals Recap Quiz - If you’ve been following the Frequency Fundamentals series, hopefully you’ve already had a go at the first two quizzes (1, 2), designed to test your knowledge of frequencies and harmonics. If not – now’s the time! This new quiz is a recap of the course, for students who feel they’ve really got to grips with […]