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Hey, Christopher here, director of Musical U, and normally your host for the show. But today we have something a bit different for you. Now, I’ll apologize in advance if you hear marching band music in the background. It’s because I’m in Valencia in Spain at the moment, and they’re celebrating this weekend, the Fallas festival and there’s literally a marching band proceeding along outside my window. They’ve been playing all morning. It’s a lot of fun – but not ideal when you’re trying to record some video. So if you can hear a little trumpets and horns in the background, I apologize.

What we have for you today is something a bit different and in a minute I’m going to disappear, and I will not be involved in the episode at all, because what we have is a team episode of the show. We’ve got the Musical U team together, and what we’re doing is it kind of came out of happenstance where we had a few weeks in a row where on our team call, one of the members of the Musical U team randomly mentioned they listened to an old episode of the musicality podcast and learn something really cool, or they particularly enjoyed something. After that happened a few weeks in a row I was like “this is kind of cool we should do something with this”.

So what I did was I corralled Adam Liette, our Communications Manager, to get the team together for kind of a “show and tell” episode where each of them would bring along an old episode of the Musicality Podcast, an old interview we did with a musicality expert, and share a little bit about what resonated with them or what they learned, or their own opinions and insights on that topic.

So that’s what they did. The team got together, that’s Stewart Hilton, Andrew Bishko, Adam Liette and Anastasia Voitinskaia, joined with our latest recruit Zac Bailey. They all got together, each bringing an episode to the table to share what they enjoyed about that episode. It turned out fantastic. They themed it all around practicing, and a little bit of performing stuff crept in there too.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening back to the recording afterwards, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. It certainly inspired me to go back and listen again to some of those past interviews.

So, that’s it from me I’m going to leave you in Adam’s capable hands in just a moment. Last thing to say it’s just, if you do enjoy this episode, please hit us up on social media and let the team know. You can go to Facebook or Twitter or Instagram you’ll find us under Musical U, and I would love for you to just show the team some love, show them some support. Tell them what you enjoyed about this episode, and hopefully we can tempt them back to do this again another time. That’s it for me – enjoy the episode.

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The Musical U team gets together to share their favourite episodes of the Musicality Podcast, focussing on the topic of effective and fun music practice.
