Meet Musical U’s Head Educator, Andrew Bishko and discover the fascinating musical background which produced his unique skillset and made him the perfect match for Musical U!

In this interview we dive into Andrew’s musical background, featuring piano, flute (classical, jazz and Native American), reggae, Klezmer, mariachi and more. We hear how he gradually learned to play by ear and improvise, developing his own methods and techniques which he then began to teach his students.

Then, in a surprising and unlikely way, how he found his way onto the Musical U team, contributing in a content editing and member support before starting to create and oversee the development of new material inside Musical U membership, culminating in the Living Music and Next Level programs.

Andrew also shares three weird and surprising things which can have a big positive impact on your musical development.

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Meet Musical U's Head Educator, Andrew Bishko and discover the fascinating musical background which produced his unique skillset and made him the perfect match for Musical U.
