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Today we’re talking with Bill Hilton, author of How to Really Play the Piano and the host of a hugely popular YouTube channel where over 120,000 people tune in to watch his video tutorials.

As always when we have a guest who specialises in teaching a particular instrument, this episode is packed with tips and insights not just for that instrument, but for your musicality in general. In particular, Bill has great wisdom when it comes to the mindset that adult learners need.

In this conversation we talk about:

  • The missing pieces that hold pianists back from feeling creative and expressive on piano, and how to really learn to play
  • How becoming an amateur singer made him a better piano teacher
  • What defines “cocktail piano” and why this style is so popular and useful to learn
  • The surprising advantages that can actually make it easier for adults and retirees to learn an instrument than children

Bill’s attitude and his teaching really cut right to the heart of what really matters in making music. We know you’re going to enjoy this conversation.

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Music educator Bill Hilton shares valuable insights into what really matters when learning music, and the surprising advantage that adult learners have.
