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Frequency Fundamentals Recap Quiz
If you’ve been following the Frequency Fundamentals series, hopefully you’ve already had a go at the first two quizzes (1, 2), designed to test your knowledge of frequencies and harmonics. If not – now’s the time!

This new quiz is a recap of the course, for students who feel they’ve really got to grips with the material.

As usual, the quiz consists of 10 questions, chosen randomly each time you take it so you can keep practising as you learn. This one covers material from throughout the Frequency Fundamentals series, and digs into some corners of the course which the first two quizzes missed out.

You might want to refresh your memory before you dive in:

  1. What’s ‘Frequency Training’ All About?
  2. Introduction to Frequency Training
  3. Percussion Frequencies Part 1 – Drums
  4. Percussion Frequencies Part 2 – Cymbals
  5. Frequency Band Characteristics – Part 1
  6. Frequency Band Characteristics – Part 2
  7. Background: EQ Feathering and Spectrum Analyzers
  8. Harmonics and Distortion

And the first two quizzes:

Also, if you’re just joining the “Hearing Effects” course, now’s a great time to make sure you’re up to speed on frequencies – if you can ace this quiz, you’ll probably manage fine!

We’re always keen to hear from you – let us know what you think of the new quiz in the comments below!