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If your musical motivation has been waning lately… this episode is for you.

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but: Don’t Give Up. You can become the musician you’ve been dreaming of, even if right now, all the evidence seems to point to the contrary.

I’ve been there! If you’re feeling like that right now, if you’re close to giving up, just know I can relate. In fact, this episode is kind of like the message I would love to be able to send back in time to my past self and share the things I now know could help.

So please know if you’ve been thinking of giving up, if your motivation for music just seems to be totally depleted, that is normal to have happen – but it doesn’t have to.

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If you've felt yourself losing motivation or even losing hope in music - this one is for you. Discover how to re-light that fire.
