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Bass Tone

As you know, around here we’re all about the sound – so it seemed sensible to let you enjoy our new series Bass Tone via your ears rather than your eyes! http://www.EasyEarTraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/1_-_Series_Introduction_and_The_Upright_Bass.m4a

Series author Nick Long has kindly lent his voice to the project and so we’re very pleased to announce the first Easy Ear Training podcast: Bass Tone, Part 1: Introduction and the Upright Bass.

You can subscribe to the Bass Tone podcast in iTunes, or your favourite podcasting program using the feeds below:

Subscribe to Bass Tone (iTunes) Bass Tone Podcast (iTunes)
Subscribe to Bass Tone (RSS) Bass Tone Podcast (RSS feed for other clients)

You can also download the first episode directly:

Bass Tone Podcast – Part 1
(right-click and “Save as…”)

The podcast is an M4A (AAC) file, which should play back on most modern audio software and portable music players. If you have any problems downloading or playing the file please let us know.

We’d love to hear what you think of this first episode – you can leave a comment below!