Musical U Team

The Musical U team features a range of world-class music education experts, specialising in musicality and the accelerated learning techniques referred to as "superlearning".

Current and past team members include:

Posts by Musical U Team

How do you do rhythm ear training?

Here are 3 suggestions for rhythmic training in music: Build up your rhythm “vocabulary”.Pay careful attention to the rhythm of music you listen to, and seek out different genres, band configurations and so on which will stretch your sense of what kinds of...

How do you improvise over chords?

There is a definite connection between the notes of the melody and the notes of the chord. This is a big subject and musicians love to break the rules, so this explanation will be short and imperfect—but should give you the basic idea. You can think about it as...

What are modulation effects?

Modulation effects are a particular category of audio effect (FX). These are effects which modify the sound in a certain way: by adding a time-delayed version of the sound to itself, and then varying the size of that delay over time. Although this same process is...

Why learn to transcribe music?

Transcribing music is generally a core part of the syllabus for music degrees and higher-level instrument learning. Why? In the 21st century it may seem outdated to worry about how we write down music with a pencil on a staff. But in fact, the benefits of learning to...

Why do ear training?

Ear training is the process of developing your musical ear by doing specific exercises or practice effort. It helps you hear more in music and understand what you hear. Many of the “soft skills” of music which distinguish average musicians from truly great...