Common Myths About Music Composition
When you’re just starting out, songwriting can feel uncomfortable, but there’s no need to be intimidated by composing your own music. Ignore the myths.
When you’re just starting out, songwriting can feel uncomfortable, but there’s no need to be intimidated by composing your own music. Ignore the myths.
Composing “good” music and lyrics is a goal for many musicians. If you’re just starting to write your own songs, check out our best practices.
Understanding music theory is a fundamental stepping stone for becoming a better musician. Having a firm grasp on these 4 core concepts will help you grow into the musician you always wanted to be.
Learning to play the ukulele is a lot like learning to play any instrument: it takes practice. Here’s a few extra tips to get your strumming up to speed.
Some songs were simply made to be performed by women. Check out our list of the top 6 tunes for female vocal solos and find your performance piece.
These days, music producers may opt to use drum machines instead of actual drummers. As it turns out, listeners prefer the imperfections of a live drummer.
The piano is one of the world’s most popular instruments. Whether you’re a novice or master, get the tips you need to achieve practice success.
Learning to play the guitar takes time and dedication. Starting with basic habits is the key to becoming a guitar hero. Discover how to lay the groundwork.
Playing the banjo requires a special set of skills. Implement these practice tips and you’ll soon be strumming and picking like a natural.
Musical U is a great place to meet other budding musicians. Learn more from our members about how this active online community can inspire your journey.
How much are you getting out of your practice? Chances are, you’re doing your best 80% of work in 20% of your rehearsal time. Make the most of the 80/20.
Using Solfa hand signals can help you better understand the relationship between pitch and notes in the music you sing. Give it a try and have a little fun!