How to Hear and Create Time Signatures
The time signature determines how the beat of a song works. But how do you know which time signature is being used or how to choose one yourself? Find out here.
The time signature determines how the beat of a song works. But how do you know which time signature is being used or how to choose one yourself? Find out here.
We think that the theme of a track just means its melody. But in fact theme is a much bigger concept and you should know all your options when writing music.
Can you identify the genre of any song just by listening to it? This is a great skill to develop, and it’s a fun one to train your ears for! Find out how.
Good Rhythm and Timing are hallmarks of all great musicians but it can be hard to perfect your sense of rhythm. Here are four practical techniques you can use.
All song writers get stuck sometimes, but we all have a secret weapon we can put to use: our favourite songs! Learn how to use songs you love to inspire you.