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Christopher SuttonSince I founded our company in 2009 we have grown enormously, and now reach over 100,000 musicians every month through our websites and apps. In 2015 we launched what we believe is the most effective, comprehensive and personally-supportive training and community website for musicality, Musical U.

We’re poised for exciting times ahead, pursuing this mission to transform how musicians become more “musical” and make it fun and easy to learn to play by ear, improvise, write music – and truly feel like a real musician.

But our team is still small – and we’re going to need more help to make it all happen.

— Christopher Sutton
Director, Easy Ear Training and Musical U

Our Mission

We believe that far too many people get frustrated and give up when learning music because there seems to be something missing: the inner musical instinct. The “gift” of understanding music by ear and being able to play and create music freely and confidently.

At Musical U our mission to find those people – and make it easy for them to start having “Aha!” moments in understanding music by ear – so that they can bring our their inner musicality and start to feel like the confident natural musician they deserve to be.

Our team is made up of enthusiastic musicians distributed around the world and we are looking for more to join us during this exciting growth phase.

Positions Available

We are currently hiring for the following positions:

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