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Free Ear Training Course

Take the free 10-day Ear Training Crash Course and discover what your ears can really do!

Take the free 10-day Ear Training Crash Course and discover what your ears can really do!

An email a day for 10 days…
Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Who does ear training
    … and is it for you?
  • Playing by Ear
    … and how ear training can help
  • Why ear training is essential
    … and the top 10 reasons to do it
  • How you can do ear training
    … and get real results fast
  • Tips, tricks and tools
    … to accelerate your learning

PLUS you’ll receive two free gifts to help you start training:

Free Gift: Instrumental Ear Training

Special Report:

“The Top 5 Ear Training Tools Used By Every Pro Musician”

Free Gift: Instrumental Ear Training
“Instrumental Ear Training”
Cheat Sheet

Seven strategies for effectively connecting your ears to your instrument.

Download them instantly when you sign up for the Ear Training Crash Course!

“I had been finding ear training very useful but also very difficult.

With the Crash Course it’s so easy to take a short period of training daily.

This is really a new way of practising and developing musical ears!”

— Jamriver, Finland

Crash Course students are saying:

“At the age of 60 I started playing bass guitar.

As I want to improve my playing especially when playing by ear I decided to go through the Crash Course.

I liked the course and the different approaches it mentioned. I have decided to start focusing on relative pitch as this will help me most in playing bass.”

— Nico, Netherlands

“I am an adult timpanist and ear training is a music skill that requires continuous practice.

The Crash Course helps you build confidence and shows you what you need to improve.

Just sitting with your computer and having fun while improving your ear couldn’t be easier or more enjoyable.”

— Heidi S, USA

“Easy Ear Training has some really useful resources for anyone wanting to improve their musical ear and their courses can help you improve your listening skills and ultimately become a better musician.”

— Alex Tucker
Take It Away

“I had no previous music background but at our church an opportunity came up to play an instrument of our choice. As a challenge-lover I ended up volunteering for the bass!

Before I began this crash course my ears were literally closed, I could not tell the difference between a bass drum and bass guitar and to tell the progression of a song was a nightmare.

Thank you for the course. I am not there yet but I have made great leaps in learning to play by ear.”

— Blossom, United Kingdom

Free ear training course
Free ear training course