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RelativePitchLite – A free app for interval ear training on iPhone and iPad

If you’d like to learn interval training but you aren’t sure you’re ready to progress all the way through RelativePitch, try this free Lite version for beginners.

You’ve always wanted to have a deeper understanding of music. You admire other musicians who can improvise and compose, or singers who can effortlessly find the harmony to a song. Interval training can help you achieve all of that – and let you get more out of the music you love.

Relative Pitch Lite Ear Training App
With RelativePitchLite, you’ll get:
Training Mode: 5 lessons to gradually teach you intervals, step by step
Testing Mode: Check your progress and your ability to distinguish intervals
Custom Mode: If you’re having trouble with one specific piece of training, set up a custom training and testing session to target your problem spots

RelativePitchLite is fun and easy to use – in fact, many of our customers say it makes learning to distinguish intervals feel like a game. It’s also great for beginners; even if you don’t play an instrument or know music theory, you’ll be able to learn with this app easily.

Whether you’re a musician yourself, or simply an admirer and lover of great music, RelativePitchLite changes the way you experience music. You’ll have that deeper understanding you always wanted of how it all comes together – and you’ll be amazed at how much more you get out of every piece you hear.

User reviews for RelativePitchLite

“It seems almost as though there is nothing “Lite” at all about Relative Pitch Lite; Where the lessons leave off, the custom Training and Testing fill in the rest. The ability to tailor testing specific to your needs is invaluable. The ability to train anywhere on the go with headphone is by far one of this app’s best assets, and the timer is perfect for training at anytime for any set period; For example, maybe even before you fall asleep. A great tool for any musician to hone their relative pitch abilities, or you can even take the next step with Triad Tutor: Chordelia.”

Zakary Clark

“Every beginning student should have this app whether they are an instrumentalist or vocalist. I would recommend it to anyone.”


“I’ve used several of the pitch training apps out there and this one has been, by far, the best. I will definitely be upgrading from Lite to the regular app, it’s worth every penny. This app not only teaches you the differences in pitch, it also tests you. It’s design is simple, incredibly easy to use and navigate.”


“This is what you want in an ear training program. You start out with easy exercises and progressively move up to more and more difficult ones. I’m actually using this app a lot– AND making progress. I will certainly be buying the full app– once I master these initial exercises. This one’s FREE– so grab it!”


“I really like this app. It is well done. I am hearing and identifying pitch for the first time in my life. This is very hard for me. I still have a ways to go. Thanks!”


“Awesome, It’s great to have ear training right at your fingertips and to be able to practice whenever I want. I love this program!”


“I love this app! It provides a very convenient, simple and fun way to sharpen and maintain relative pitch aural skills. I use it regularly and can now hear and name intervals with confidence. Thanks guys!”


“This is likely the best free ear trainer out there as it’s custom mode allows you to try all the intervals up to the octive.”
