Feeling overwhelmed by all the information about what to practice?

This is the fifth, and last, in a special series of episodes on how to tackle the biggest sticking points in your music learning. We recently surveyed our audience to learn about their experiences with music practice. The results were astounding! Across several hundred responses, we found a handful of really common and painfully frustrating practice issues – including, “How can I know what to practice?”

To answer these big burning questions, we invited Gregg Goodhart, The Learning Coach, back on the show. Gregg is a leading expert on how to apply all of the latest scientific research and understanding of how the brain learns to skill acquisition, including in music.

Learn what to focus your music practice on in this episode.

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Practiclass creator, Gregg Goodhart teaches you how to know what to focus on in your music practice. Learn how to avoid overwhelm and get maximum results.
