Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut in music? Like the progress and momentum you once had have now stalled? Have you worried that maybe you just don’t have what it takes to reach the levels of musicality you’ve dreamed of?

It’s a natural human tendency to stay in our comfort zone. We shy away from our limits out of fear that we might discover what we’re capable of – and be disappointed…

But what if we’re capable of far more than we’ve imagined?

What if all we needed were some strategies and mindset tips to help us break through what we thought were barriers – and reach a whole new level as musicians?

A recent episode of the Unstagnate podcast delved into these issues and revealed some powerful ideas for breaking through your own limitations in the world of music…

Unstagnate podcastUnstagnate

Unstagnate is a podcast dedicated to helping people “leave the rut behind”. To challenge themselves and push beyond their comfort zone and so reach what they’re truly capable of.

It is hosted by Almog Flitter who has gone through some impressive transformations himself, in fitness, dating, travel, financial success and more. He’s interviewed some fascinating guests so far, ranging from language-learning experts to ultra-marathon runners, best-selling authors and charity founders. They’ve all shared insights into what allowed them to break beyond what seemed possible and achieve more than they’d ever dreamed of.

In a new episode he invited Easy Ear Training founder Christopher Sutton to join him on the podcast and share how he helps members at Musical U to break free of their ruts in music learning and discover practical ways to unleash the untapped potential that lies within them.

How to unleash your musical instinct

Many musicians work hard for years learning their instrument, only to end up bored and frustrated, feeling like they’ve improved their technical skills but still don’t really feel like a “natural” in music.

They feel trapped. Totally dependent on sheet music, chord charts or tablature, on learning music step-by-step and note-by-note – instead of freely and easily letting the music flow from their heart and imagination.

Other people don’t even make it that far, feeling totally locked out of the world of music. Perhaps they’ve been told they can’t sing, or that they are “tone deaf”. They still have a passion for music but worry that they don’t have the “gift” or “talent” needed to become a musician or singer themselves.

In this wide-ranging conversation Almog asks Christopher about these issues and more, dispelling some of the myths that hold people back in music and revealing powerful truths and techniques that can make it easy for you to unleash the true musical potential you have inside.

You can listen to the episode here:

In this conversation Christopher and Almog discuss:

  • What “tone deafness” really is and how to learn to sing in tune
  • How people can shatter their beliefs about “natural” musicality
  • What is “ear training” for musicians and how exactly it works
  • What techniques can be used to help ensure success
  • What types of musician can benefit from ear training
  • Tips on goal-setting for musicians
  • How learning just a small amount of specific material can have a huge effect on play-by-ear skills
  • Christopher’s own story of limitations and discovering freedom through ear training

They also listen to an example of Almog singing a duet for his father and discuss which stage of singing he has reached and what could be useful next steps for him to improve further, and talk through two examples of musicians who have benefitted from the kind of barrier-breaking musicality training offered at Musical U.

As you will hear, there really is no reason why anyone needs to be stuck in a musical rut. Whether you’re at the very beginning or you’ve been learning for a while, there are practical steps you can take to unstagnate and become much more than you thought was possible…

We hope that this conversation encourages you to break free of your own ruts in music and push yourself to achieve more, faster. If you enjoyed this episode be sure to visit the Unstagnate website for more, and subscribe in Stitcher or iTunes:

Unstagnate podcast